Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Indiantown News

If the county supervisor will travel the road from Indiantown P.O. to Rhems, his nervous system will have to be very strong, or it will be shocked. The road is plowed up, corn and cotton planted in it. Now I am one of these who think it folly to work all the bad places in the road, when all the high, good places are plowed up and made as rough as driving across a field. There is room right here for "reform." Will some trusted "leader" take a hint?

Photo: County Supervisor Benjamin Britton Chandler

This section was visited by a very heavy rain on Friday 30th. Grass was quite vigorous before but will take on a new life since the rain.

Corn is exceedingly small and a very bad stand; bud worms have played havoc with it during the late cold snap.

Cotton is recuperating slowly from the effects of the late frost. Fruit does not seem to have suffered from the effects of the frost, except figs, which were killed.

Tobacco transplanting is being pushed by Col. McCutchen and Dr J.S. Cunningham, whom, I think, are the only tobacco planters left in this section.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

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