Thursday, April 1, 2010

Abram Evans

Mr. Abram Evans, who lived near Lynche's river, died very suddenly a few days ago. His remains were interred in High Hill cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Mr. Evans was a quiet, inoffensive man, a good citizen, a consistent Christian. He served through the late war with all the unswerving fidelity of a true patriot. But he has fought his last battle and in triumph has crossed the cold, sullen stream of death to join those of his fellow comrades who yielded up their lives years ago in defense of their country. And as we record the departure of this gallant old soldier, our heart is made sad by the reflection that all too soon the last of the battle-scarred veterans–noble old heroes–will have gone the way of all the earth. On a new generation, whose hands are unused to the implements of war, will develop the duties which they so nobly performed. It is appropriate then that we who are of the aftermath consecrate ourselves to the unfinished work which they so nobly advanced, for each generation leaves to its successor an unfinished work.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

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