Thursday, February 25, 2010

Belongings Found

By this time all was excitement. No one seemed to know just what to do. The murdered men were total strangers, seemed to be tramps, and no motive could be found for the murder. It was afterwards learned that the men were peddlers and had been seen with a peddler's pack.
In the search for more bodies a valise was found. This was described to us by Magistrate Lifrage, who held the inquest, as a canvas-covered telescope about fifteen by twenty-four inches in size. This was near a rail fence in a thick portion of the woods. The valise had been opened and nearly everything taken away. A coat, a pair of gloves and one or two other little articles were found nearby. A certified copy of naturalization papers was found in the valise, bearing the name Terge Veregence which probably was one of the murdered men, but there is nothing whatsoever to show which of the men the papers belonged to.
(To be continued)
The County Record, April 22, 1897

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