Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Echoes from Cedar Swamp

This section of Williamsburg County away back in time that antedates the war between the States and possibly the revolutionary period was settled. The names of some of the old settlers are: the McCreas, McCulloughs, McCottrys, Scotts, Flaglers, Chandlers and Graysons. There was a time (we get our information from deeds and boundaries of old land papers), that Montgomerys, McElveens and Boyds owned property in this section.

These lands are drained by Cedar swamp, and the neighboring country was known then and is today called Cedar swamp section. Some fifteen or twenty years ago a post office was established here. The names "Cedar Swamp" and "Benson" were sent in, but as a shorter name is preferable to the post office department, "Cedar Swamp" was rejected and "Benson" accepted as the name of the new office.

In the course of time Benson post office was discontinued, and the patrons are favored now by a rural route instead.

Ye scribe has been reporting news from Benson post office and, as we have no more post office but have still the old original Cedar Swamp, with Cedar Swamp graded school, Cedar Swamp church, Cedar Swamp Camp "WOW" and Cedar Swamp voting precinct, we are asking our obliging editor to find us a caption other than "Benson News."
The County Record, March 2, 1916

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Messrs. C.L. and Tallie Altman of Suttons recently killed a "coach whip" snake measuring 7 feet and 8 inches. If anyone can beat this in the way of "serpenticide" we would be pleased to hear from him.
The County Record, April 16, 1908

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The New County Jail

The new jail is now ready for the architect's inspection before its final acceptance by the board of county commissioners. While the new structure is not very large, it is one of the handsomest jail buildings in the State, and those in a position to know say that it is amply commodious for all demands likely to be made upon its capacity.
Through the courtesy of Supervisor Graham a representative of THE RECORD was shown through the building, "from turret to foundation stone." The foundations are brick, stone and cement, and the fixtures seem to be up-to-date in every respect. Inside the walls is the gallows, which implement, while not exactly a "thing of beauty" works so smoothly as to almost make death by strangulation seem a sort of euthanasia,
The plans were drawn by C.C. Wilson of Columbia, and the work of construction carried out by the Pauly Jail Co. of St. Louis through their southern branch at Atlanta, Ga., managed by Will L. Landrum & Sons, who assigned to the work their Mr. S.V. Sedgwick.
The County Record, Nov. 24, 1904

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Still They Come

Almost every day we hear of a new business being started in town or a new enterprise springing up so that it is difficult to keep up with the march of progress. Last week, within a few days of each other, a new mercantile business opened up and a bottling works plant installed before the people of the town–or most of them at least– knew what was happening.

The mercantile business is in the McCabe building, the style of the firm being Edgeworth Bros. & Co., with Mr. C.A. Edgeworth as the manager. The same firm operates a similar business in Camden, from which town Mr. Edgeworth comes. We are glad to welcome him and his family to town.

The bottling works plant is located in the building next to Mr. J.N. Hammet's dwelling–where The Record made its home until the business outgrew the building. Mr. Charlton Kelley of Timmonsville, who is a brother of Dr. Kelley of our town, is the proprietor of the bottling business, which will bottle the usual variety of "soft" drinks for distribution to dealers.

We bespeak for these new enterprises a long period of profitable existence here.
The County Record, March 10, 1910 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Personal Paragraphs

Mr. P.A. Allsbrook has moved into the cottage just beyond Mr. M.F. Heller's livery stables.

Mr. J.P. Nelson had his right had very painfully hurt during the baseball game last Thursday.

Mr. J.P. Shaw called in to see us last Saturday and told us that the lower bridge had been entirely rebuilt and is now in condition for passage. This will be good news to the hundreds who have to go several miles out of their way in order to cross the river.
The County Record, June 17, 1897