The County Record, May 6, 1897
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Buggy Ride
One of the most enjoyable rides we ever took was the one while sitting in the foot of a buggy, the seat of which was occupied by two of the fairest and most charming of Kingstree's young daughters last Monday afternoon. True, our position was not a very elevated one, and we were much cramped from lack of space, but this did not make the ride any the less delightful. Our course was over the road which leads to Greeleyville across Black river, and we are anxious for another like it.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
More Roses
We were the recipient of a most beautiful "Paul Neyron" rose from Mrs. Louis Jacobs last week. The rose was one of the largest we have ever seen, measuring five inches across and sixteen-and-one-half inches in circumference. It was cut from a bush which Mrs. Jacobs received direct from California and which has produced quite a number of fine flowers already this season.
The County Record, May 6, 1897
Monday, March 29, 2010
Owing to an error in the print last week, it was stated that Mr. P.B. Thorne had over one thousand logs at his mill, whereas, it should have read over four thousand. Quite a difference.
The County Record, May 6, 1897
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Business Hours
We notice that in nearly all the towns of the State the merchants are now closing their stores at 6 o'clock p.m. so as to allow the clerks some time during the summer months for recreation. What is the matter with the merchants of Kingstree?
The County Record, May 6, 1897
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Flower Gardens
There are several pretty flower gardens in town. That of the Misses Graham deserves special mention. They have quite a variety, and at this time when the flowers are all in full bloom, their garden presents a lovely scent.
The County Record, May 6, 1897
Friday, March 26, 2010
Items of Local Interest
The mornings have been quite cool for some days.
The office of Mr. S. McBride Scott has been painted and otherwise improved.
The heavy rains last week were gladly welcomed by the farmers who had oats heading and young corn.
Rev. W.D. Moorer and Mr. Edwin Harper expect to leave today for Wilmington to attend the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Supervisor has a notice in this issue of The County Record relating to plowing into the roads, which should attract the attention of those who practice this misdemeanor.
The office of Mr. S. McBride Scott has been painted and otherwise improved.
The heavy rains last week were gladly welcomed by the farmers who had oats heading and young corn.
Rev. W.D. Moorer and Mr. Edwin Harper expect to leave today for Wilmington to attend the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Supervisor has a notice in this issue of The County Record relating to plowing into the roads, which should attract the attention of those who practice this misdemeanor.
The County Record, May 6, 1897
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Cheap Rides to Wilmington
The Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets to Wilmington, N.C., on account of the Southern Baptist Convention at the rate of one first-class fare for the round trip, which from Kingstree will be $4.95. Tickets will be on sale from May 3rd to the 7th, inclusive, with final limit fifteen days from date of sale.
Parties desiring to make a longer stay in Wilmington will deposit their tickets with the Atlantic Coast Line agent at Wilmington prior to May 15th and an extension of 15 days will be given.
Already several parties have signified an intention of attending the convention and no doubt several more will take advantage of the cheap rates and attend.
Parties desiring to make a longer stay in Wilmington will deposit their tickets with the Atlantic Coast Line agent at Wilmington prior to May 15th and an extension of 15 days will be given.
Already several parties have signified an intention of attending the convention and no doubt several more will take advantage of the cheap rates and attend.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Beautiful Wedding
The most notable event that has transpired in the social domain of this community in many a day was the marriage of Dr. H.L. Baker to Miss Belle Hemingway which took place at Union Church on the evening of the 14th inst., the Rev. Geo. W. Davis officiating.
Promptly at 8:30 o'clock, to the measured strains of the wedding march beautifully rendered by Mrs. Geo. Hemingway, the bridal party, preceded by Messrs. W.E. Cook of Scranton and W.J. Durant of Rome, ushers, filed in in regular order and took their respective positions. The bride and groom came down the aisle, immediately preceded by two little flower girls and assumed their proper place.
The ceremony was then read in the most solemn and impressive manner by the officiating clergyman, making the two man and wife. The church was brilliantly lighted and beautifully decorated for the occasion.
A beautiful floral arch was constructed over the place the bride and groom stood and suspended from this was a heart pierced by Cupid's shaft. The initial letters "B.H. to H.R." of golden foil were attached to the top of the arch.
After the marriage, the bridal party and the invited guests repaired to the hospitable home of Capt. W.C. Hemingway, the bride's father, where a reception was tendered.
A sumptuous supper was served, and after refreshing the inner man, the guests were charmingly entertained by some fine selections of music beautifully rendered by some of the young ladies and the Messrs. Johnson.
The bride was the recipient of many handsome and useful presents.
We regret that lack of the desired data prevents us from giving a more adequate description of this occasion.
Our best wishes are extended the happy couple.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Where Are the Blood-hounds?
Editor, County Record:
Where are the blood-hounds? Representative Kennedy at the last session of the General Assembly had an act passed empowering the authorities to purchase a pair of blood-hounds trained to track fugitive law breakers. Where are they?
Houses being burnt, robbery running riot, murder being committed – with the aid of a pair of trained blood-hounds, all this would be stopped. What are the authorities who are empowered to obtain these dogs going to do about it?
Where are the blood-hounds? Representative Kennedy at the last session of the General Assembly had an act passed empowering the authorities to purchase a pair of blood-hounds trained to track fugitive law breakers. Where are they?
Houses being burnt, robbery running riot, murder being committed – with the aid of a pair of trained blood-hounds, all this would be stopped. What are the authorities who are empowered to obtain these dogs going to do about it?
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Monday, March 22, 2010
Benson is a thriving section in the central part of Williamsburg county. Its farmers are getting along nicely at present, though it is becoming rather dry. They are fairly well up with their work and have nothing to do but fish (fishing time, you know), but I presume that they will "come out at the little end of the horn" if they don't "stick to their bush."
The County Record has fallen into the hands of a new man, and he has made considerable improvements on it; it's worth twice, if not thrice, its previous value.
The County Record has fallen into the hands of a new man, and he has made considerable improvements on it; it's worth twice, if not thrice, its previous value.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Attention, Veterans!
Editor, County Record,
Will you please announce in your next week's paper that the veterans of Camp Pressley are requested to meet in Kingstree on May 10th at 12 o'clock, to join in decorating the Confederate graves and to hear addresses by some of our comrades.
Will you please announce in your next week's paper that the veterans of Camp Pressley are requested to meet in Kingstree on May 10th at 12 o'clock, to join in decorating the Confederate graves and to hear addresses by some of our comrades.
D.E. Gordon
Lanes, April 28th
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Scranton News Budget
Croquet is in vogue now. The young folks find it a very pleasant way to while away the long weary afternoons.
Mr. Winslow Wright is having his new residence on Main Street painted, and when the work is finished, it will be one of the most handsome and attractive buildings in town.
We had the pleasure of attending the meeting of the literary club at the Union school house last Saturday evening. We enjoyed it very much. The querry was well debated, and the other features were thoroughly entertaining.
Mr. Winslow Wright is having his new residence on Main Street painted, and when the work is finished, it will be one of the most handsome and attractive buildings in town.
We had the pleasure of attending the meeting of the literary club at the Union school house last Saturday evening. We enjoyed it very much. The querry was well debated, and the other features were thoroughly entertaining.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
house painting,
literary club,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Beautiful Roses
Upon returning from a short railroad trip the other morning, tired and dusty, we were very agreeably surprised and much delighted to find a beautiful bouquet of fine roses on our desk. The flowers were of the "Marechal Neil" and "Grace Darling" varieties, and attached to the bouquet was a card bearing the name of Mrs. Louis Stackley. It filled our heart with joy to know that we were so much thought of by a member of the fair sex to prompt her in sending in so excellent a donation which filled our office with its fragrance, and made us for a time forget the trials and tribulations attached to the life of a country editor.
Mrs. Stackley has quite a number of varieties of flowers, and there is not a more thorough florist in this section than she. The roses sent in are of the very finest varieties known, and our appreciation of them is unbounded.
Mrs. Stackley has quite a number of varieties of flowers, and there is not a more thorough florist in this section than she. The roses sent in are of the very finest varieties known, and our appreciation of them is unbounded.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lake City News
The farmers are rejoicing over the late rains. Crops are now looking fine.
Mr. J.J. Morris has moved into his new home, but it is not yet completed. When finished it will add much to the looks of that part of the town. We wish that several others of our citizens who are able to do so, would erect nice residences. It would add much to the appearance of the town and increase the value of the property near the buildings.
Business is quite dull now, but we hope for better times. Your correspondent went several miles into the country last Sunday and found that the farmers are well up with their work in spite of the late start they got. Of course, if the farmers have good luck and make good crops, business will be brisk in the fall.
Strawberries are fine this year. Mr. H.H. Singletary has shipped 266 crates; Dr. Hinnant shipped 75 crates; B.L. Singletary, 15; J.D. Singletary, 32; J.A. Green, 18, making a total of 406 crates, prices ranging from 15 to 40 cents.
Mr. J.J. Morris has moved into his new home, but it is not yet completed. When finished it will add much to the looks of that part of the town. We wish that several others of our citizens who are able to do so, would erect nice residences. It would add much to the appearance of the town and increase the value of the property near the buildings.
Business is quite dull now, but we hope for better times. Your correspondent went several miles into the country last Sunday and found that the farmers are well up with their work in spite of the late start they got. Of course, if the farmers have good luck and make good crops, business will be brisk in the fall.
Strawberries are fine this year. Mr. H.H. Singletary has shipped 266 crates; Dr. Hinnant shipped 75 crates; B.L. Singletary, 15; J.D. Singletary, 32; J.A. Green, 18, making a total of 406 crates, prices ranging from 15 to 40 cents.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Death on the Rail
M.C. Coker, a white man, was run over and killed by a freight at Cades yesterday evening about 7 o'clock. No authentic details of the killing could be obtained, though we held back our issue in order to secure the facts.
From what could be learned, it seems that Mr. Coker was on one side of the track and his team on the other. The train was an extra and was going into the side track to open the main line for a mail train when Mr. Coker attempted to cross the tracks just ahead of the engine to get to his horses. The train was moving at a rapid speed, and the engine struck the unfortunate man and passed over him, horribly mangling him and killing him instantly.
Several gentlemen were right near and were witnesses to the horrible tragedy. The coroner was telegraphed for and will hold an inquest this morning.
From what could be learned, it seems that Mr. Coker was on one side of the track and his team on the other. The train was an extra and was going into the side track to open the main line for a mail train when Mr. Coker attempted to cross the tracks just ahead of the engine to get to his horses. The train was moving at a rapid speed, and the engine struck the unfortunate man and passed over him, horribly mangling him and killing him instantly.
Several gentlemen were right near and were witnesses to the horrible tragedy. The coroner was telegraphed for and will hold an inquest this morning.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Murderers Still at Liberty
Nothing definite has yet developed in the case of the strange Italians who were so cruelly butchered near Salters last week. As to who the murderers are, and their present whereabouts, is now just as much a mystery as it was when the crime was first discovered. Suspicion still points to the Davis negroes, but nothing has yet been seen or heard of them. Even if they were caught, it would be a hard matter to fasten the murder upon them as no one knows anything about the men who were murdered, and, therefore could not identify any article that may be found in the possession of the supposed murderers as belonging the the Italians.
The three negroes who were arrested at Lake City last week were given a hearing before magistrate J.G. Lifrage last Thursday and set free. Jailer Britton, in the absence of the sheriff, telegraphed the Charleston authorities that if the negroes were wanted there to wire him, and they would be held; not having heard from there, the deputy let the boys go Thursday evening.
Three negroes were arrested Thursday at Fayetteville, N.C. on suspicion of being the murderers. They were on their way from Timmonsville, this State, to Selma, N.C., and were "nabbed" en route. Sheriff Daniel and Mr. Cannon of Strawberry, in whose store the Davis negroes did so much firing about about two weeks ago, went up to Fayetteville Saturday, but Mr. Cannon failed to identify the prisoners as the Davises. In fact, the negroes proved where they were on the night of the tenth, when the shooting at Strawberry occurred, and on the seventeenth, the night of the murder.
Three other negroes were arrested at Lanes and locked up all night in the box car but were set at liberty.
While looking over the field of the murder last Sunday, some Salters gentlemen discovered some clothing hanging on a tree and some on the ground only a short distance from where the murdered men's bodies were found. There was also a kind of a camp, at least, the ashes from a fire and chicken bones near the clothing, indicating that a camp had been made there. This discovery only adds mystery to the whereabouts of the real murderers, as this woodland was every bit searched last week, and these things were no seen. Among the articles found on the ground was a white shirt, bosom upwards which was not soiled in the least. This indicates that the articles were placed there Sunday morning, for had the shirt been exposed to the night air, the dew would have left marks on the stiff bosom. Then, too, there are numbers of hogs in the woods, and it stands to reason that, had this shirt been on the ground for any great while, the hogs would have soiled it.
A careful survey of the immediate vicinity of the murder was made, and two empty shells from a Winchester rifle were found. One of these was mashed as if someone has stepped upon it or a hog had bit it. These shells are now in the possession of a Kingstree gentleman, but nothing is proved by them as they will fit any Winchester of a .32 calibre.
The three negroes who were arrested at Lake City last week were given a hearing before magistrate J.G. Lifrage last Thursday and set free. Jailer Britton, in the absence of the sheriff, telegraphed the Charleston authorities that if the negroes were wanted there to wire him, and they would be held; not having heard from there, the deputy let the boys go Thursday evening.
Three negroes were arrested Thursday at Fayetteville, N.C. on suspicion of being the murderers. They were on their way from Timmonsville, this State, to Selma, N.C., and were "nabbed" en route. Sheriff Daniel and Mr. Cannon of Strawberry, in whose store the Davis negroes did so much firing about about two weeks ago, went up to Fayetteville Saturday, but Mr. Cannon failed to identify the prisoners as the Davises. In fact, the negroes proved where they were on the night of the tenth, when the shooting at Strawberry occurred, and on the seventeenth, the night of the murder.
Three other negroes were arrested at Lanes and locked up all night in the box car but were set at liberty.
While looking over the field of the murder last Sunday, some Salters gentlemen discovered some clothing hanging on a tree and some on the ground only a short distance from where the murdered men's bodies were found. There was also a kind of a camp, at least, the ashes from a fire and chicken bones near the clothing, indicating that a camp had been made there. This discovery only adds mystery to the whereabouts of the real murderers, as this woodland was every bit searched last week, and these things were no seen. Among the articles found on the ground was a white shirt, bosom upwards which was not soiled in the least. This indicates that the articles were placed there Sunday morning, for had the shirt been exposed to the night air, the dew would have left marks on the stiff bosom. Then, too, there are numbers of hogs in the woods, and it stands to reason that, had this shirt been on the ground for any great while, the hogs would have soiled it.
A careful survey of the immediate vicinity of the murder was made, and two empty shells from a Winchester rifle were found. One of these was mashed as if someone has stepped upon it or a hog had bit it. These shells are now in the possession of a Kingstree gentleman, but nothing is proved by them as they will fit any Winchester of a .32 calibre.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Decoration Day; Kingstree,
Lake City,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Decoration Day, Part II
The committee in charge of decoration for soldiers' monument, etc., in the afternoon is as follows: Misses Maymie Jacobs, Bessie Kelly, Anna Elwell, Beulah Nelson and Sallie Wilson. It is very desirable to have a large crowd present, and we hope the ladies throughout the county will save up plenty of flowers for the occasion. Let everybody bring flowers, and the committee will have an easy time. A special invitation is given to all old soldiers, their families and friends to be present and to help make the exercise a success.
The Lake City Light Dragoons are expected and will fire a salute over the graves. It is hoped that the stores will all close in time to give the clerks an opportunity of attending. The programme, which will be very interesting and will not detain you more than an hour is as follows:
Calling to order by chairman; Opening prayer, Rev. W.D. Moorer; Song, "America," pupils of Kingstree Academy; Declamation, Mr. S.M. Wolf: Recitation, Miss Mildred McCabe; Recitation, Miss Florence Jacobs; Song, "Red, White and Blue," pupils of the Academy; Declamation, Mr. Edwin Hirsch; Recitation, Selma Thorne; Recitation, Miss Barbara Jacobs; Declamation, Mr. Louis Gilland; Song, "Swanee River," by seven young ladies; Orator of the day: Col. J.E. Dunlop.
The Lake City Light Dragoons are expected and will fire a salute over the graves. It is hoped that the stores will all close in time to give the clerks an opportunity of attending. The programme, which will be very interesting and will not detain you more than an hour is as follows:
Calling to order by chairman; Opening prayer, Rev. W.D. Moorer; Song, "America," pupils of Kingstree Academy; Declamation, Mr. S.M. Wolf: Recitation, Miss Mildred McCabe; Recitation, Miss Florence Jacobs; Song, "Red, White and Blue," pupils of the Academy; Declamation, Mr. Edwin Hirsch; Recitation, Selma Thorne; Recitation, Miss Barbara Jacobs; Declamation, Mr. Louis Gilland; Song, "Swanee River," by seven young ladies; Orator of the day: Col. J.E. Dunlop.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Decoration Day
The committee in charge of the "Decoration Day" exercises met Tuesday. Mr. Jacobs was elected chairman. It was decided to hold the exercises in the Court House on Monday, May 10, at 4 o'clock p.m. After the exercises in the Court House, the audience will march in a body to the cemetery near the river where the monument to the soldiers stands. The graves of Confederate soldiers in the cemetery where the old Presbyterian church stood will be decorated in the morning, the following committee being in charge: Misses Mabel Harper and Bertha Epps, Mrs. E.C. Koger, and Messrs. G.P. Nelson and S. McB. Scott. This committee is requested to meet at the cemetery at 8 o'clock a.m. on that day.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Encyclopedia Sales
The Rev. A.S. Willeford of Charleston was in Kingstree last week in the interest of the Columbian Encyclopedia. The Columbian is one of the very best encyclopedias, and Mr. Willeford found no trouble in placing a number in Kingstree. He expects to return to Williamsburg in a few months and make a thorough canvas of the entire county.
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Friday, March 12, 2010
An Easter Hop
The Easter hop given by the Wee Nee club at the Lyons Hotel on Tuesday night was a very enjoyable function. The large double parlors afforded ample room, and the light fantastic was gaily tripped until the "wee sma' hours."
The crowd was not as large as usual, but seemed to make up in enthusiasm what was wanting in numbers. The music on piano and violin as furnished by Messrs. Bullard and Wolfe was most inspiring, and the floor was all that could be desired.
Among the visitors present were Miss Mabel Rollins of Lake City, Miss Bessie Howard of Salters, and Mr. P.A. Willcox of Florence.
The Wee Nee club is not yet two years old but is a potent factor in the social life of Kingstree. Its dances are always enjoyable occasions and are looked forward to with much interest.
The crowd was not as large as usual, but seemed to make up in enthusiasm what was wanting in numbers. The music on piano and violin as furnished by Messrs. Bullard and Wolfe was most inspiring, and the floor was all that could be desired.
Among the visitors present were Miss Mabel Rollins of Lake City, Miss Bessie Howard of Salters, and Mr. P.A. Willcox of Florence.
The Wee Nee club is not yet two years old but is a potent factor in the social life of Kingstree. Its dances are always enjoyable occasions and are looked forward to with much interest.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Bloodhounds Wanted
The News and Courier, in an editorial under the caption, "Bloodhounds Wanted," had the following to say:
There is a familiar lesson in the story of the double murder at Salters on Saturday night, and of the two outrages which preceded it, and we venture to urge it on the attention of the county authorities generally, as we have done before on several like occasions. It relates to the wisdom of the plan of keeping bloodhounds or other tracking hounds at every county seat for the purpose of hunting criminals who cannot be traced by any other means. In the present case, the murderers of the two unfortunate peddlers had no difficulty in escaping from the scene of their crime because of the character of the locality. A swamp was near and afforded ready cover for their flight. "Very little effort" accordingly was made for their capture. Men armed themselves and took their stations to watch the swamps, but it is possible that the murderers were miles away before their crime was discovered. The sheriff was summoned from a distance and was expected to "organize a posse and chase the men down," but with their start of twenty-four or thirty-six hours, the chances of the chase were altogether in favor of the fugitives. It would have been different had it been practicable for the authorities at Salters to get bloodhounds from the county seat as soon as the murder was discovered. Well-trained dogs could doubtless have led the chase directly on the trail even as late as an advanced hour on Sunday, the day after the killing.
The men who killed the Italians are suspected with good reason to be the same ones who committed two other serious crimes during the preceding week, and who have since been wandering around the county at their pleasure. With track dogs available for the search, they could have been run down before they committed their last and worst crimes.
The lesson has been repeated over and over in nearly every county. It appears to have been repeated often enough to compel its general application. The dogs cost little and are serviceable not only to trace criminals who cannot be traced by other means but to deter men from crime. It is wholly reasonable to believe that evil-disposed men will hesitate long about committing murder or robbery when they know that an armed posse and a pack of hounds would be on their track in a few hours after its commission. The dogs are a protection, therefore, to every home and every person in the county in which they are known to be kept for service. There is not a county in the state that is exempt from the need for the services and the protection they afford. It is really surprising that the authorities of any county should require to have the duty of providing such detectives urged on them more than once.
There is a familiar lesson in the story of the double murder at Salters on Saturday night, and of the two outrages which preceded it, and we venture to urge it on the attention of the county authorities generally, as we have done before on several like occasions. It relates to the wisdom of the plan of keeping bloodhounds or other tracking hounds at every county seat for the purpose of hunting criminals who cannot be traced by any other means. In the present case, the murderers of the two unfortunate peddlers had no difficulty in escaping from the scene of their crime because of the character of the locality. A swamp was near and afforded ready cover for their flight. "Very little effort" accordingly was made for their capture. Men armed themselves and took their stations to watch the swamps, but it is possible that the murderers were miles away before their crime was discovered. The sheriff was summoned from a distance and was expected to "organize a posse and chase the men down," but with their start of twenty-four or thirty-six hours, the chances of the chase were altogether in favor of the fugitives. It would have been different had it been practicable for the authorities at Salters to get bloodhounds from the county seat as soon as the murder was discovered. Well-trained dogs could doubtless have led the chase directly on the trail even as late as an advanced hour on Sunday, the day after the killing.
The men who killed the Italians are suspected with good reason to be the same ones who committed two other serious crimes during the preceding week, and who have since been wandering around the county at their pleasure. With track dogs available for the search, they could have been run down before they committed their last and worst crimes.
The lesson has been repeated over and over in nearly every county. It appears to have been repeated often enough to compel its general application. The dogs cost little and are serviceable not only to trace criminals who cannot be traced by other means but to deter men from crime. It is wholly reasonable to believe that evil-disposed men will hesitate long about committing murder or robbery when they know that an armed posse and a pack of hounds would be on their track in a few hours after its commission. The dogs are a protection, therefore, to every home and every person in the county in which they are known to be kept for service. There is not a county in the state that is exempt from the need for the services and the protection they afford. It is really surprising that the authorities of any county should require to have the duty of providing such detectives urged on them more than once.
Reprinted in The County Record, April 22, 1897
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Medicine Law
Editor, County Record:
The act No. 337 passed at the last session of the General Assembly reads, "it shall be unlawful for any person to travel as hawkers or peddlers from place to place in this State and to sell, or offer for sale, any medicine, drug or compound, to be used as a curative."
The act is absolutely prohibitory, and no license can be obtained. Following the above is the penalties for violation of the act.
The act No. 337 passed at the last session of the General Assembly reads, "it shall be unlawful for any person to travel as hawkers or peddlers from place to place in this State and to sell, or offer for sale, any medicine, drug or compound, to be used as a curative."
The act is absolutely prohibitory, and no license can be obtained. Following the above is the penalties for violation of the act.
Indiantown, April 26th, '97
The County Record, April 29, 1897
The County Record, April 29, 1897
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Confederate Veterans
The surviving soldiers of the Confederacy in each township in Williamsburg county are requested to meet at some convenient place in their respective townships on Wednesday, April 28, 1897, for the purpose of organizing township boards under a recent act of the Legislature. The meeting will elect three persons (old soldiers) in each township to be known as the township board, to whom all applications for pensions must be made. Ten days after said meetings, say, Monday, May 10, the chairmen of the respective township boards are required to meet in Kingstree for the purpose of organizing a county board and to take action in all new applications for pensions. It will not be necessary for old pensioners to present new applications, nor can pensioners be members of any of the several boards
G.J. Graham
Chairman of Old Board
The County Record, April 22,1897
Monday, March 8, 2010
Major Joseph B. Chandler
Maj. Jos. B. Chandler died at his home in the Cedar Swamp section about two o'clock last Tuesday morning and was buried the same afternoon.
Maj. Chandler was a graduate of the Citadel Academy in the class of '48. He was elected to represent Williamsburg county in the legislature in 1880 and re-electd in '82 and '84. He was one of the foremost men of this county having been here all his life. Maj. Chandler was a brave Confederate soldier, serving through the entire four years of the struggle. He was a life-long and consistent member of the Presbyterian church and was very generous to the poor and liberal in giving to the cause of Christianity.
At the time of his death Maj. Chandler was in the 70th year of his age. He leaves one son and a daughter, Mr. J.B. Chandler, Jr. and Mrs. S. M. McClarey of Gourdins.
Maj. Chandler's death causes a loss to Williamsburg county of one of its best citizens. Wherever he was known, he was honored and respected.
The funeral services were held in the Cedar Swamp Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. J.E. Dunlop officiating.
Maj. Chandler was a graduate of the Citadel Academy in the class of '48. He was elected to represent Williamsburg county in the legislature in 1880 and re-electd in '82 and '84. He was one of the foremost men of this county having been here all his life. Maj. Chandler was a brave Confederate soldier, serving through the entire four years of the struggle. He was a life-long and consistent member of the Presbyterian church and was very generous to the poor and liberal in giving to the cause of Christianity.
At the time of his death Maj. Chandler was in the 70th year of his age. He leaves one son and a daughter, Mr. J.B. Chandler, Jr. and Mrs. S. M. McClarey of Gourdins.
Maj. Chandler's death causes a loss to Williamsburg county of one of its best citizens. Wherever he was known, he was honored and respected.
The funeral services were held in the Cedar Swamp Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. J.E. Dunlop officiating.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Cedar Swamp,
Joseph B. Chandler,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Right Stuff
Supervisor B.B. Chandler is in Florence today looking after the chains, guns, etc. for the county chain gang. Mr. Chandler says there are several convicts from this county who are now in the penitentiary, whom he can have brought here to serve on the chain gang, so he will not want for material to organize a squad. The only trouble he anticipates is in getting a suitable man to act as guard. This man must be made of the right sort of "stuff," and Mr. Chandler says he cannot decide upon one.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
B.B. Chandler,
chain gang,
Williamsburg County
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Lynches River Bridge contract
The supervisors of Williamsburg and Florence counties will meet at Johnson's ferry, Lynches river on May the 4th for the purpose of letting the contract for building a bridge across the stream.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Florence County,
Lynches River,
Williamsburg County
Friday, March 5, 2010
The burning of the soot in the chimney of Mr. S.P. Brockinton's residence a few evenings ago created considerable excitement, as it was thought the house was afire.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Thursday, March 4, 2010
All sorts of rumors are afloat as to the present whereabouts of the right men. It is said they were seen in Forreston Monday. Some people discredit Nelson's statement about having seen Phelps at Lanes Friday.
The remains of the murdered men were buried at the expense of the county very near where they were killed Monday morning.
The remains of the murdered men were buried at the expense of the county very near where they were killed Monday morning.
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Popular Opinion Divided
The negroes claim they were in Charleston Friday. Sam Nelson, a colored man living near Salters, was here on Tuesday and had in his possession a hat which was found near the scene of the murders, which he swears he saw on Phelps' head at Lanes last Friday. Nelson says he can have his statement corroborated by citizens of Lanes, and this will contradict the prisoner's statement as to his whereabouts on Friday.
Opinions as to the guilt of the boys are divided. If these are not the right parties, the real murderers have a five-days journey between themselves and the crime.
(To be continued)
Opinions as to the guilt of the boys are divided. If these are not the right parties, the real murderers have a five-days journey between themselves and the crime.
(To be continued)
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Charleston's Involvement
Sheriff Daniel received a telegram from Mr. J. Elmore Martin, chief of Charleston's police force, telling him that the negroes were wanted in Charleston. Mr. McManus was sent up Tuesday afternoon and interviewed the three boys When seen by The County Record man, Mr. McManus said that Simmons was wanted for robbing a house on Savage Street in Charleston two months ago. Richardson and Simmons have not long been released from prison in Richmond, Va. All three boys are well-known to the Charleston police. When questioned as to what Phelps and Richardson did in Charleston that he should want them, the detective smiled and replied dryly that the did not want them; they were only "needed" there at times. While the detective talked freely on some points, he was non-committal on others. On evidence discovered yesterday, the authorities have decided to hod the prisoners, and the Charleston detective returned alone. (To be continued)
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Sheriff Daniel
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mistaken Identity?
Our reporter interviewed several prominent men in Lake City and was told by all of them that the prisoners were not the three men seen there Sunday. Upon being interrogated, the negroes gave their names, ages and addresses as follows: Oscar Simmons, age 17, 10 Short Street; Nat Phelps, age 17, 26 Burns Lane; and Joseph Richardson, age 19, 16 Market Street, all of Charleston. They all told pretty much the same tale, which was prepared for publication but was left out after an interview with Mr. M.J. McManus of the Charleston detective force. (To be continued)
The County Record, April 22, 1897
Lake City,
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