Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Echoes from Cedar Swamp

This section of Williamsburg County away back in time that antedates the war between the States and possibly the revolutionary period was settled. The names of some of the old settlers are: the McCreas, McCulloughs, McCottrys, Scotts, Flaglers, Chandlers and Graysons. There was a time (we get our information from deeds and boundaries of old land papers), that Montgomerys, McElveens and Boyds owned property in this section.

These lands are drained by Cedar swamp, and the neighboring country was known then and is today called Cedar swamp section. Some fifteen or twenty years ago a post office was established here. The names "Cedar Swamp" and "Benson" were sent in, but as a shorter name is preferable to the post office department, "Cedar Swamp" was rejected and "Benson" accepted as the name of the new office.

In the course of time Benson post office was discontinued, and the patrons are favored now by a rural route instead.

Ye scribe has been reporting news from Benson post office and, as we have no more post office but have still the old original Cedar Swamp, with Cedar Swamp graded school, Cedar Swamp church, Cedar Swamp Camp "WOW" and Cedar Swamp voting precinct, we are asking our obliging editor to find us a caption other than "Benson News."
The County Record, March 2, 1916

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Messrs. C.L. and Tallie Altman of Suttons recently killed a "coach whip" snake measuring 7 feet and 8 inches. If anyone can beat this in the way of "serpenticide" we would be pleased to hear from him.
The County Record, April 16, 1908

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The New County Jail

The new jail is now ready for the architect's inspection before its final acceptance by the board of county commissioners. While the new structure is not very large, it is one of the handsomest jail buildings in the State, and those in a position to know say that it is amply commodious for all demands likely to be made upon its capacity.
Through the courtesy of Supervisor Graham a representative of THE RECORD was shown through the building, "from turret to foundation stone." The foundations are brick, stone and cement, and the fixtures seem to be up-to-date in every respect. Inside the walls is the gallows, which implement, while not exactly a "thing of beauty" works so smoothly as to almost make death by strangulation seem a sort of euthanasia,
The plans were drawn by C.C. Wilson of Columbia, and the work of construction carried out by the Pauly Jail Co. of St. Louis through their southern branch at Atlanta, Ga., managed by Will L. Landrum & Sons, who assigned to the work their Mr. S.V. Sedgwick.
The County Record, Nov. 24, 1904

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Still They Come

Almost every day we hear of a new business being started in town or a new enterprise springing up so that it is difficult to keep up with the march of progress. Last week, within a few days of each other, a new mercantile business opened up and a bottling works plant installed before the people of the town–or most of them at least– knew what was happening.

The mercantile business is in the McCabe building, the style of the firm being Edgeworth Bros. & Co., with Mr. C.A. Edgeworth as the manager. The same firm operates a similar business in Camden, from which town Mr. Edgeworth comes. We are glad to welcome him and his family to town.

The bottling works plant is located in the building next to Mr. J.N. Hammet's dwelling–where The Record made its home until the business outgrew the building. Mr. Charlton Kelley of Timmonsville, who is a brother of Dr. Kelley of our town, is the proprietor of the bottling business, which will bottle the usual variety of "soft" drinks for distribution to dealers.

We bespeak for these new enterprises a long period of profitable existence here.
The County Record, March 10, 1910 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Personal Paragraphs

Mr. P.A. Allsbrook has moved into the cottage just beyond Mr. M.F. Heller's livery stables.

Mr. J.P. Nelson had his right had very painfully hurt during the baseball game last Thursday.

Mr. J.P. Shaw called in to see us last Saturday and told us that the lower bridge had been entirely rebuilt and is now in condition for passage. This will be good news to the hundreds who have to go several miles out of their way in order to cross the river.
The County Record, June 17, 1897

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dull Times

Capt. G.P. Nelson says it is about as dull in Kingstree as he ever saw it. Capt. Nelson is the oldest young man in town.
The County Record, Apr. 11, 1901

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Prizes for Watermelons

Who raises the largest watermelons? In order to decide this question to the satisfaction of all, we have decided to offer a premium to the person who raises the largest melon this season. Our proposition is this: To the person who brings us the largest melon this summer we will give one year's subscription to the County Record. Just think of it! Besides gaining the reputation of the being the raiser of the largest watermelons, you get a copy of the County Record every week for a whole year.
In addition to the foregoing , we also offer a year's subscription free to the person who first brings us in a ripe melon this season. If you are already a subscriber to the County Record, you subscription will be "shoved up" one year from the date of its expiration. Don't allow this opportunity to escape, but get a whole year's subscription for one melon. Of course, we are not partial to melons, but our editor and entire staff are very fond of every kind of fruit. Don't let the melon offer keep you from bringing in fruit.
The County Record
June 17, 1897

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fine Tobacco

Editor, County Record:
Mr. T.M. Cooper of the firm of Cooper Bros. of Fowlers, has the best field of tobacco in the county, probably. It is the finest I have seen anywhere, and I have seen lots of it. Mr. Cooper is an all-around farmer as well as a merchant, and all of his crops are looking well, his tobacco being particularly fine.
The County Record, June 17, 1897

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chain Gang

The county commissioners advertise that they will elect a superintendent for the chain gang at their regular meeting in July.
The County Record, June 17, 1897

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ice Cream Festival

An ice cream festival was given at the school house Monday night by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church.
The County Record, June 17, 1897

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yet More Minor Local Matters

The gay and festive mosquito is again with us for summer board and lodging. There are a good many of them this season, and all appear to have been very poorly fed.

The next examination of applicants for county teachers' certificates will be held in the courthouse Friday of next week between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m and 4 p.m.

On Tuesday, June 8, the board of county chairmen of Hope and King townships with the county supervisor will let the contract for rebuilding the bridge over Black river at the foot of the hill near Kingstree on the Greeleyville road.

Straw rides galore.
The County Record, June 17, 1897

Monday, June 7, 2010

Even More Minor Local Matters

The Greenville News of last Friday said that "Black river bream are the pride of Kingstree."

The chain gang has been brought to Kingstree and will work the roads around here for some time to come.

Midnight "chicken fries" seem to be the favorite sport of certain young men of the community, but who furnishes the fowls?

The base ball game between the two local nines last Thursday resulted in a victory for the "regulars." The score is withheld by special request.
The County Record, June 17, 1897

Friday, June 4, 2010

More Minor Local Matters

The grass will have its innings now and will keep the farmers busy for a time. 

Our base ball team should get up some games with the clubs from other towns.

The crops all over the county are reported as in good condition and looking well.

How long will it be before Kingstree will have an "original package" grog-shop?
The County Record, June 17, 1897

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Minor Local Matters

Hot! Hotter!! Hottest!!!

The school term closed today.

The crops are growing rapidly.

Fruit is scarce and very poor in quality.

The trains have been full of the girls returning from college this week.

The County Record, June 17, 1897

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Width of Public Roads

Editor, County Record
Will you please tell me and for the benefit of your subscribers what is the width of the public roads as required by law?
Several of our county commissioners do not even know the law upon this subject, and I want them to see this article.
Dock, May 29
The statutes of South Carolina require the county roads to be twenty feet in width.
The County Record
June 10, 1897

Monday, May 31, 2010

Against Mr. McConnell

Justice E. B. Gary, of the Supreme Court, heard at his chambers in Columbia last Saturday the motion of Thos. M. Gilland, Esq., in behalf of Mr. Ervin M. Smith in the case against Mr. J.Z. McConnell, Jr., praying that the latter be required to turn over the books, furniture, papers, etc., belonging to the office of probate judge for Williamsburg county to Mr. Smith. Judge Gary granted an order requiring Mr. McConnell to turn over the office to the complainant, and as Mr. McConnell's counsel, Col. B. Pressley Barron was ill and unable to attend the hearing, Mr. McConnell has been advised to refuse to turn over upon Mr. Smith's demand, and a motion will be made to have the case reopened. If this motion is refused, an appeal will be made to the full bench of the Supreme Court. In the meantime, Mr. McConnell will still hold over.
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fire Near Rome

J.B. Barrineau suffered the misfortune of losing his dwelling and its entire contents Saturday night. The family had all retired, and when the fire was discovered, it had gained such tremendous headway that it was impossible to save anything from the burning building. Even the clothes of every member of the family was (sic) consumed, the inmates of the house themselves barely escaping with their lives.
There was no insurance on any of the property, and the loss falls heavily on Mr. Barrineau. His little baby was very ill at the time of the fire, and it is now thought that the exposure to the night air to which it was subjected will cause its death. Mr. Barrineau has the sympathy of his friends throughout the county.
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Base Ball Today

There will be a game of base ball here this afternoon at the grounds just beyond the residence of Mr. Louis Jacobs, between the "sluggers" and the "regulars." The game will be called promptly at four o'clock. The public generally and the ladies particularly are invited to attend. The following is the complexion of the two nines: The sluggers–-G.T. Bullard, W.V. Brockinton, C.J. Lesesne, H.A. Graham, W.G. Elwell, J.Z. McConnell, Montie Jacobs, William Scott and R.K. Walace; the regulars--Nappie Jacobs, Hay McClary, Tony Brown, Joe Arms, Willie Dunlop, Hoxie Askins, Julian Jacobs, E.C. Dennis and A.E. Salters.
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tall Tale

You have been publishing some pretty tough stories about setting hens and eggs, Mr. Editor, and now we wish you to publish the following very laughable incident, which actually happened, and if your readers are disposed to doubt it, we respectfully refer them to that well-known farmer, Mr. J.C. Josey. 
Before the war, all pants cloth was made on a loom at home from yarn that had been spun and dyed in indigo, oak buds, walnut hulls, etc. Just after the war, Mr. _________ of Tiller's Ferry, Kershaw county, had a new Sunday suit made of this cloth. It had been dyed of walnut hulls, etc., and these stains were not washed out of the yarn.
One hot summer Sunday Mr. __________ walked about a mile to church. When he arrived there, he was very warm, and perspiration had dampened his suit, causing the dye to "run," at the same time creating an unhealthy odor. 
Mr. __________ who was somewhat superstitious became alarmed. He went to the pastor and said he wished to be immersed that afternoon as he would soon leave this world. "I am mortifying now," he urged earnestly. "I am decaying. I stinks. I stinks."
After the sermon, the minister with solemn face and sad tone, announced that Bro. ________ would be immersed in a mill pond near there at 4 o'clock that afternoon, that he expected to die soon as he was mortifying then, decomposition having already set in. 
Mr. Editor, this is a bad one, but Mr. Josey is a man of unquestioned veracity and says he saw the young man immersed.
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Monday, May 24, 2010

Children's Day at Jackson's Chapel

Next Saturday is "Children's Day" at Jackson's Chapel. The people of this community anticipate a big time. Mr. Darwin McConnell and Misses Lilah Cook and Virginia Coker have spared no time in "practicing" the children for the exercises on that day. Mr. Editor, we would be delighted to have you with us. We will give you a good time. We cannot promise you any "unbroken packages" or anything like that, but we will certainly feed you. We would warn you, however, that the red bug and tick crop is flourishing and would advise you to provide yourself with a pair of tweezers and a bottle of "Keel-over."
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Matters Around Dock

It will not be "many long summer days" ere we will have the luscious melons. Every farmer has planted melons, and there is a friendly rivalry as to who shall pull the first one and raise the most. Mr. J.C. Josey has a cantaloupe in his patch that measures 16 inches in diameter.

The crops in this section are very fine. It was a hard matter with some of the farmers to get a good stand of corn. The rice crop promises to yield abundantly. The oat crop is practically a failure. There is no tobacco planted in this section of the county; in fact, there is none between this place and Lake City.

The people here are sick and disgusted with the dispensary now. Some of them would prefer to have whiskey sold at every crossroads rather than have things continue as they are. More offices, higher taxes––dishonest officers. Mr. Editor, "rip 'em up the back and lace 'em down the front." We need your assistance.
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Friday, May 21, 2010

Matters Around Dock

Miss Lizzie Nesmith, who was recently poisoned at a picnic by some weed has entirely recovered.

Mr. Reginald J. Nesmith, the popular and expert bookkeeper for the well-known firm of F. Rhem & Sons, is at his post again after a week's illness.

William D. Shaw, ex-editor of the Lake City Times, is on an extended visit to his aunt, Mrs. Lydia Nesmith. Mr. Shaw says he is enjoying life and could never be unhappy here where there are so many whortleberries and big fish.
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Minor Local Matters

Watermelons will soon be on the market.

There was a fish fry at Kelley's lake last Tuesday.

The Kingstree Academy will close its present session one week from tomorrow.

Hail storms in different parts of the county were reported as having fell last Friday, doing considerable damage to the growing crops. If any hail fell here, we have heard nothing of it.
The County Record, June 10, 1897

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A New Drug Firm

Dr. W.L. Wallace and Dr. L.B. Johnson have formed a co-partnership under the firm name of Wallace & Johnson. They will practice medicine and carry on a general drug business. The place of business will still be at the stand where Dr. Wallace has been for so long a time. Dr. Wallace has been in business here for a number of years and has practiced medicine in this county for the past forty years. Dr. Johnson is also well known in Williamsburg County. He recently graduated from the Baltimore Medical college, which, by the way, is one of the foremost medical schools of this country and a few weeks ago passed a very creditable examination before the State Board of Medical Examiners in Columbia. The firm will no doubt prove to be a very popular one, and we wish it every success.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spring Gully Items

There was a very delightful picnic at the school house on Saturday, the 22nd ult., Quite a crowd was present, and all seemed to enjoy themselves.

The farmers of this section generally have good crops. Corn is fine; cotton is being chopped, and gardens are doing nicely. All are needing rain however.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Sunday, May 16, 2010


We were told last week by one who "stands in" with the present administration that James Tharpe would be appointed postmaster here during the coming summer. If our citizens do not desire a colored man to handle their mails, something had better be done right away.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Murder Investigation Update

The sheriff has set at liberty the two negroes who were arrested in Hampton about a month ago, charged with killing the two Italians near Salters, as no proof could be obtained as to their guilt.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chain Gang

Two more convicts have been added to the county chain gang, making the total number of the squad eight.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Carrier Pigeons

In accordance with the announcement made last week, Mr. H.A. Graham liberated about four hundred carrier pigeons at the depot last Sunday morning at five o'clock. Notwithstanding the earliness of the hour, there was quite a crowd of people at the depot to witness the freeing of the birds. Some of the birds arrived in Washington within ten hours after they were turned loose. Not all of them went away, but about a half a dozen of the stayed around town all day Sunday.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Post Office delays

We have received other complaints from county post offices that the County Record packages sometimes are delayed or do not arrive at all. We wish to say again that all the bundles leave this office every Thursday, and the postmaster here says that they are all sent off promptly. We have enquired into the matter and hope to soon have it so that there will no longer be need for complaint.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mill Fire

Mr. J. W. Register of Trio lost his planing mill and several hundred thousand feet of lumber on Friday, 28th, by fire. The fire originated in the engine room. The total loss is estimated at $10,000. There was no insurance.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Monday, May 10, 2010


There was a severe hailstorm in the upper portion of this county last Saturday. It is said that the damage to the crops was considerable.
The County Record, June 3, 1897

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lake City News

We were blessed with a very refreshing little rain last Sunday afternoon which has given new life to the young plants.

Mr. J.L. Stanley has had his lot and stables whitewashed which adds much to its appearance.

There was a very delightful sociable given at the hospitable home of Rev. A. McA. Pittman last Friday evening which was very much enjoyed by all who were present.

The County Record, May 27, 1897

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Items of Local Interest

Some of our citizens who are engaged in truck farming on a small scale have commenced to ship vegetables.

The weather continues dry and dusty. The farmers always say, "A dry May for a good crop year," and if this be true, then we shall surely have an abundant yield this year.

There will be a basket picnic at the residence of Mr. J.L. Brown on Friday, June the fourth. The public are cordially invited.

Strawberries are being shipped here now in considerable quantities from Lake City. What cannot they be raised here?

The County Record, May 27, 1897

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chain Gang

The county chain gang was organized last Monday with six convicts. Four of these were sent from the circuit court and two from the Magistrates' court, on from Magistrate Gaskins of Lake City, and the other from Magistrate McCants of Trio. The gang has been sent to work on a bridge across Lake swamp about one mile from Lake City. Mr. J.S. Howle has been selected as guard and has charge of the squad. Supervisor Chandler has requested us to state for the benefit of the Magistrates that they may send their convicts direct to the chain gang and not to the court house as it will only be double trouble to send them here. Just have them carried to the guard who will take them in hand and attend to them.
The County Record, May 27, 1897

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sudden Illness

Rev. W.P. Holland of Rhems exchanged pulpits with Rev. W.D. Moorer last Sunday and was to have preached in the Baptist church here Sunday morning and night but was taken seriously ill while delivering the morning sermon and was unable to fulfill his evening engagement. Mr. Holland recovered sufficiently to return to his home Monday but was even then far from well. His many friends throughout the county hope for his speedy and permanent recovery.
The County Record, May 27, 1897

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Mr. Herbert A. Graham will liberate between three hundred and four hundred carrier pigeons at the depot next Sunday morning. The pigeons are from Washington and will return there. They will be turned loose at five o'clock a.m. They will be expected to arrive in Washington sometime during Sunday afternoon. Mr. Graham has acted as liberator for pigeons for several years past and nearly every one of the birds has always reached its destination.
The County Record, May 27, 1897

Monday, May 3, 2010

Johnsonville Picnic

The picnic at Johnsonville last Saturday was very largely attended and much enjoyed. The crowd was estimated at 800 or 900 people. Several speeches were made, and there was everything to eat obtainable. The annual picnics at Johnsonville are always looked forward to with a great deal of anticipation by people from all over the country and a large gathering is always expected.
The County Record, May 27, 1897

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cemetery fence fundraiser

Ice cream will be served at the residence of Mr. Louis Jacobs, Friday afternoon, May 28th, from six to eight o'clock. The proceeds of which to go to the cemetery fence.
The County Record, May 27, 1897

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Mr. Julian Jacobs killed an alligator in Black river just below the tressel that measured seven feet long. He shot another but don't know whether or not he killed it.
The County Record, May 27, 1897

Friday, April 30, 2010

Items of Local Interest

This hot weather is increasing the ice business.

A new music box at Mr. H.D. Reddick's store is attracting much attention just at present.

The intensely hot weather prevailing for the past few days has caused cotton to put on a new growth.

Mr. J.R. Chandler of Benson was in town last Friday and went to Charleston Friday night. He purchased a blooded horse while in the city and had it shipped up, arriving here Saturday night.

Our editor has gone to Newberry where he will join the South Carolina Press Association on its trip to the Nashville exposition, and if there is lack of the usual amount of local matter this week, attribute it to this fact.

The County Record, May 27, 1897

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Horse Race

A race between Mr. W.W. Grayson's mare "Annie Rooney" and Mr. P.B Thorne's "Vivian" yesterday afternoon, resulted in a victory for Mr. Grayson's animal.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Mr. L.I. Parrott, the official court stenographer, entertained a small crowd at Dr. S. P. Elwell's last Tuesday night by giving a hypnotic exhibition. Mr. Parrott is quite an accomplished hypnotist and handled his subjects with ease and grace.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


As a mark of appreciation for the service rendered by the school in the Memorial Day exercises, Mr. Louis Jacobs invited the teachers and all the scholars around to eat ice cream last Monday.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Monday, April 26, 2010

Baseball team?

What has become of the base ball team which was organized some time ago? Several good games would furnish lots of amusement for out citizens these long, hot afternoons.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Happened to Fundraiser?

There was recently some talk of giving an ice-cream festival here, the proceeds derived from which to be applied to the fund for a fence to be built around the cemetery, but the idea seems to have been abandoned.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Friday, April 23, 2010

Coleman House

Mr. Geo. S. Barr, the genial and popular manager of the Coleman House, had recently had his place repainted and otherwise improved. The hotel is now in better shape than ever before, and Mr. Barr is entitled to the praise of the businessmen of the town for having it so.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Items of Local Interest

The river has been very low for some time past, and large numbers of fish have been caught.

There was an extra large crowd in town on Monday, but not an unusual amount of business was transacted.

The Union Sunday School picnic at Rome last Saturday was largely attended and much enjoyed by all present.

There was some horse-racing last Monday afternoon but we did not hear which horse came out victorious.

There will be a picnic at Johnsonville next Saturday. We acknowledge a very kind invitation to attend and will certainly try to be there.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Items of Local Interest

Picnics are now the order of the day.

The Kingstree Academy will close its present session on June 18.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church served ice cream and cake at Kinder's store last Monday.

The picnic at Kinder's grove last Friday was well-attended and was very much a success.

A fish fry at the old seine-yard tomorrow (Friday) will attract the attention of our young folk.
The County Record, May 20, 1897

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are These the Men?

Nothing new has developed in the case of the two negro men who were arrested in Hampton County and brought over here last week, charged with the murder of the two unknown Italians near Salters a month ago.
The negroes are still confined in the jail here, though nothing definite has yet been proved which would connect them in any way with the crime–the only evidence against them being a Winchester rifle, two pistols and a razor having been found in their possession at the time of their arrest. Just why they should have brought these weapons along with them on a visit to their "girls" is not altogether clear to the authorities. Then, too, their tale concerning the yellow fellow who was with them and who escaped arrest is almost improbable.
Nothing more has been heard of the negro who got away. He pretty well filled the description of the third man of the party supposed to have done the killing. 
A rumor was afloat in Kingstree a day or two ago that three men who filled the description of the Davis boys and their "pal" had been arrested in Savannah, but when the sheriff was interviewed he said that he knew nothing of the arrest. Before the governor a reward for the murderers, eleven men were arrested for the crime, but not one has been arrested since. Will not someone earn the reward?
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bud Worms

The farmers are all complaining of the bud worms having considerably damaged the young crops during the recent cool mornings.
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Delightful Dance Given at Coleman House

One of the most thoroughly enjoyed dances ever given in Kingstree was the one given at the Coleman House Monday night. Quite a number of visitors were present, and in all it was quite a gay affair. The music was furnished by the Mouzon band and was well-rendered. The dancing was kept up until about half past two, and the gay young people were even then loath to leave the dance hall. Among those present were: Misses Mable Rollins, Mamie Jacobs, Essie Benjamin, Georgia Rollins, Bertha Hodge, Kate Levy, Barbara Jacobs, Ella Rollins, Mildred McCabe, Lillian Hodge, Barbara Levy, Eva Rollins, Essie Clark, Bessie Howard and Hallie Rollins; Mesdames Jacobs, Brockinton and Hodge; Messrs. Montague Jacobs, Louis Gilland, Montie Scott, Hay McClary, Nappie Jacobs, W.S. Lynch, Sam Wolfe, R.H. Wallace, J. Lide Tallevast, H.G. Askins, R.J. McCabe, T.J. Brown, Judson Moore, Lamar SIngletary, E.C. Dennis and Troy Flagler.
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sidney McGill Brown

Mr. Sidney McGill Brown of the Cedar Swamp section died last Tuesday morning and was buried near Cedar Swamp church, Rev. J.E. Dunlop, officiating at the funeral services. Mr. Brown was born in the Boggy Swamp section in 1850 and was therefore in the 48th year of his age. He was married in 1873 to Miss Crawford Tisdale, a daughter of Mr. W.D. Tisdale, who with six children survive him. Mr. Brown was at the time of his death a magistrate and bore the reputation of being a fair, impartial officer. While Mr. Brown had been sick for some time, his death was very sudden.
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Memorial Day" Exercises

In accordance with the announcements previously made in these columns, "Memorial Day" was fittingly observed in Kingstree last Monday. The program had been very carefully prepared, and those who took part in the exercises had been thoroughly trained by those in authority, and all of the proceedings were carried out in as smooth a way as possible. The column of veterans presented quite an inspiring and impressive scene, and the young uniformed soldiers added much to the procession.
After the exercises in the court house, the procession, composed of veterans, the Lake City Light Dragoons, the column of boys and girls, and the citizens marched to the strains of band music to the Baptist cemetery where the soldiers graves were decorated with flowers and evergreens. The military company fired a salute over the graves, and willing and loving hands then placed flowers upon the mounds beneath which rest the remains of brave men who went to the front ready to sacrifice their lives for the honor of their country.
The following was the program of the exercises which took place in the court house: called to order by Col. James McCutchen; prayer by Col. J.E. Dunlop; song, "National Hymn" by pupils of the Kingstree Academy; recitiation, "Conquered Banner," Miss Barbara Jacobs; Oration, Mr. S.M. Wolfe; Recitiation, "In Memorium," Miss Mildred McCabe; Song, "Red, White and Blue," pupils of the Kingstree Academy; declamation, "The Spirit of '61 and '96,' Mr. Edwin Hirsch; recitation, "Ode to a Confederate Bill," Miss Florrie Jacobs; declamation, "Our Confederacy," Mr. Louis Gilland; song, "Sewanee River," Misses Mildred McCabe, Barbara Jacobs, Dell Kellahan, Alma Kelly and Marie Thorne; Oration, Col. J.E. Dunlop; song, "Dixie," pupils of the Academy.
All of the young people who took part are scholars at the Kingstree Academy, and the manner in which they acted their parts showed that they had received excellent training at the hands of their instructors. Everyone acquitted himself or herself so admirably that it would be difficult to say which one deserves special mention. To speak of any on of them particularly would mean to do an injustice to the others, so we withhold individual comment from all.
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Thursday, April 15, 2010

An Eggceptional Story

Mr. S.J. Coker of Lake City was among the old veterans who attended the "Memorial Day" exercises here Monday. In a conversation with a County Record reporter, Mr. Coker said that he had seen the little article recently published about the Clarendon county gentleman who placed 15 eggs under one hen, and the hen hatched 27 chickens and left 8 eggs in the next, no other hen having laid in the nest with her, and that he had a hen which beat that record "all hollow." Continuing, Mr. Coker said that he had placed 12 eggs under one of his hens; twenty-six chickens were hatched, and four eggs were left, no other hen having laid in the same nest or near it, and no other eggs were placed there by anyone. Whew! Next!
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


A very enjoyable dance was given at the residence of Dr. W.V. Brockington last Tuesday night. In view of the fact that the dance was at a private residence and only personal friends were invited, the attendance was large. The music was charmingly rendered, and the gay young couples tripped lightly o'er the floor to its delightful strains. The dancing was kept up until a late hour, and all present expressed themselves as having had a pleasant evening.
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Memorial Day Briefs

The local dispensary was closed Monday which was a wise thing on the part of the board of control.

People from almost every section of the county attended the "Memorial Day" exercises in Kingstree Monday.

Forty-two veterans were in the "Memorial Day" parade. Surely this is not the total number of living Confederate soldiers in Williamsburg county, and, yet, how few are alive! Soon we shall see their brave, battle-scarred, time-worn faces no more, and the day of veteran parading shall have passed into history.
The County Record, May 13, 1897

Monday, April 12, 2010

Court Docket

There are only five persons in jail awaiting trial at the coming term of court, and it is not thought that the term will last long.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Scranton News, Pt. 2

Section Foreman Johnson will soon commence taking up the track now being used on the Northeastern railroad and replacing it with heavier and more substantial railing. This work has already been completed from Charleston up to Salters, and the company proposes extending it on to Florence this spring.

Mr. Fore of the firm of Fore & Foster, lumber dealers, Wilmington, came down a few days ago and placed an order for 250,000 feet of fine lumber with Messrs. Nachman Bros. of this place. Mr. Fore says the lumber produced in the belt is of very superior quality, and he prefers having his orders filled by the mills in this section.

We understand that Mr. S. Evans contemplates erecting a steam saw and grist mill at this place in the course of a few weeks. He will also put in a cotton gin in time for the fall crop. This will add another industry to our town which will conduce to the material growth and upbuilding of the place. We welcome all such enterprises and hope the near future will produce still greater developments along industrial lines.

The next thing to be done is the establishing of a telephone line from here to Lake City, and why not extend it on to Kingstree? We have no telegraph office here, and we are always behind in getting the news. We want to keep up with the outside world, and we think telephonic communication with other places would do a great deal to change our relation.

Rev. J.J. Baggett has a patch of corn that is tasseling out. This is the earliest we have ever heard of, and we doubt very much if anyone else in the State has corn so forward as this.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Scranton News

We have read with great interest the programme to be observed by our friends of Kingstree on "Memorial Day." In the language of another, we owe it to ourselves, as well as to the dead, this duty, for monuments and memorial days declare the patriotism of the living no less than the virtues of those whom they commemorate.

The town council has had the shade trees on the streets trimmed up. These trees are now in better shape, while the removal of the drooping branches opens up a better view of the town.

Dr. Byrd is cultivating quite a large tobacco crop. He has made all preparations for successful handling of the "golden weed" and has employed an experienced hand to attend to the business for him.

We are informed that Mr. W.A. Webster, who resides near Lake City, has collated his inventive geniuses and is endeavoring to reduce the "perpetual motion" theory to a practical result. He is constructing a machine which he claims will demonstrate the fact when it is completed.

The picnic season is here and already we hear of picnics, etc. We are told that the Baptist Sunday school proposes having one shortly at Cockfield's mill which will be the event of the season.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Last Call

By universal custom, the 10th of May, being the anniversary of the death of "Stonewall" Jackson, has been set apart for the holy purpose of decorating the graves of our deceased Confederate heroes.
The ladies of Kingstree have heretofore annually performed the sacred task, but for the ensuing anniversary, it has been determined to invite all of Williamsburg county to participate.
Mr. E.C. Dennis, the scholarly principal of the Kingstree Academy, has kindly volunteered the assistance of his school, and the pupils are now daily rehearsing their patriotic songs and recitations under the instructions of the accomplished assistant, Miss Kate Lee Dickson.
Col. James McCutchen has been invited and has consented to preside over the meeting. Rev. J.E. Dunlop will deliver an oration, and everybody who has ever had the pleasure of listening to that gentleman knows what a treat there is in store. 
Commandant D.E. Gordon, United Confederate Veterans, has issued an invitation to the survivors to attend, and it is hoped that many of them will find it convenient to do so and pay honor to their dead comrades.
The Lake City Light Dragoons have been asked to join in the parade and fire a military salute, and we trust Capt. Morris will see his way clear to accept this invitation.
The programme has been published in the last issue of The County Record, and the members of the committee are requested to meet at once and make the necessary arrangements for the performance of the labor of love which has been assigned to them.
We make this appeal to the ladies of WIlliamsburg county to contribute as many flowers as can be conveniently sent in on Monday morning. A committee will receive all such donations at the store of Mr. Louis Jacobs.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lake City News

There have been about 600 crates of strawberries shipped from here this season, and it is likely that two or three hundred more will be shipped. This speaks well for the strawberry planters of this place.

Messrs. S. Godwin and J.M. Kennedy have put up a sawmill about three miles below town. They are enterprising young men, and we wish them much success in their new enterprise.

Quite a number of Lake Citians went on a fishing expedition to Lynches River last Friday night, which was highly enjoyed by them all. Due to the extreme coolness of the night, they caught only one fish.

The Baptists will give an ice cream festival at the tobacco warehouse on the night of the 14th for the purpose of raising money to buy a new organ for the Baptist church at this place. The public is cordially invited to be present and participate.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tribute to Joseph Chandler by his Old School Mate

Col. John P. Thomas of Columbia, who attended The Citadel at the same time the late Maj. Joseph B. Chandler did, wrote and had published in the Columbia State the following tribute to Maj. Chandler last week:
The surviving members of The Citadel class of 1851 are again called upon to lament the death of an esteemed comrade–J.B. Chandler. Born in Sumter county, S.C., Dec. 14, 1827, Major Chandler died at his home in Williamsburg county, April 20, 1897. Removing to Williamsburg after his graduation from the South Carolina Military academy, he at once engaged in farming. When the war came on, he entered the service, and for four years did his duty to the State and the Confederacy.
After the close of the war, Maj. Chandler resumed the pursuit of the farmer, which he followed with marked success. For 43 years, he maintained with mutual satisfaction, business relations with the well-known firm of E.H. Frost & Co.
Having won the confidence of the community in which he resided, he was elected to represent his county for several terms in the popular branch of the general assembly. His career as a legislator was one useful to the State and honorable to him. He served on the committee of ways and means, where he impressed his fellow members with his good judgment and his fine sense of truth and justice.
The element of religion was influential in his nature and in his life. A Christian man, devoted to his church, in which he served long as one of its elders, he spent his years, as we are informed by one who knew him well, in doing good to others.
Gravity of character and of deportment was one of Chandler's traits, and this was linked with dignity of bearing and excellence of conduct.
In his death, the State loses one of its best citizens and his Alma Mater one of her worthiest sons.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Indiantown News

If the county supervisor will travel the road from Indiantown P.O. to Rhems, his nervous system will have to be very strong, or it will be shocked. The road is plowed up, corn and cotton planted in it. Now I am one of these who think it folly to work all the bad places in the road, when all the high, good places are plowed up and made as rough as driving across a field. There is room right here for "reform." Will some trusted "leader" take a hint?

Photo: County Supervisor Benjamin Britton Chandler

This section was visited by a very heavy rain on Friday 30th. Grass was quite vigorous before but will take on a new life since the rain.

Corn is exceedingly small and a very bad stand; bud worms have played havoc with it during the late cold snap.

Cotton is recuperating slowly from the effects of the late frost. Fruit does not seem to have suffered from the effects of the frost, except figs, which were killed.

Tobacco transplanting is being pushed by Col. McCutchen and Dr J.S. Cunningham, whom, I think, are the only tobacco planters left in this section.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Monday, April 5, 2010

Other Suspects Arrested

Sheriff Daniel received a telegram from Estill, Hampton county, last Saturday, stating that two negroes had just been arrested there who were supposed to belong to the party which murdered the two Italians near Salters on the night of April 17th. There were three men in the party at Estill, but one of them got away from the officers and avoided arrest. The man who escaped is described as being a yellow fellow, about 5 feet, 8 inches high, weighing about 150 pounds. The men who were arrested claim that they had known the other negro about a month but did not know his name, simply calling him "Sam."
The men were carried to Hampton and lodged in jail. Mr. G.W. Arms went over to Hampton Sunday and returned with the prisoners Tuesday morning. When arrested, the men each had a .38-caliber revolver, and one of them had a razor, a 32-caliber Winchester rifle and a long-blade pocket knife.
Mr. I. Cannon, of Strawberry, into whose store the supposed murderers did so much firing, came up Tuesday afternoon at the request of Sheriff Daniel for the purpose of identifying the prisoners. He says that they are not the men who were in his store some weeks ago. 
The negroes were interviewed by a reporter for The County Record Wednesday morning and gave their names as Louis Gardner and Jim Williams. Gardner is a very dark brown fellow, about 5 feet 8 inches in height and weighs about 145 or 150 pounds. He says he was born and raised in Charleston; that he left there about three years ago and has worked at various places in Georgia since that time, the last being with Mr. Padden Porter at Clyo, Ga.; that he and Williams left Clyo Friday morning to visit some friends at Estill and were arrested there Saturday. He worked on a chain gang in Effingham county, Ga., from January 1896 till February 1897. Gardner said he was then known as John Edwards.
Williams said he was an Alabamian; had been in Georgia for several years; he and Gardner had worked at Mr. Porter's together, etc., his tale corroborating Gardner's. Williams is a black man about six feet in height, weighs about 145 pounds and is about 30 years of age. He has a scar about 2x1-1/2 inches in size, caused from a burn, on the right arm just below the elbow.
The rifle taken from the negroes is in good condition but shows signs of having been used quite a good deal. Williams' pistol is one of the Iver Johnson Arms Co.'s make with a six-inch barrel, in excellent condition. The cylinder will take five .38-caliber cartridges. Gardner's "shooting iron" is a Harper & Allen short-barrel .38-caliber, five-shot revolver and is in a very battered condition. The razor was an old one but had a keen edge. The knife was only an ordinary, long-bladed one and was in pretty fair condition. 
The negroes will be kept in jail until they can prove where they were on the night of the murder.
Governor Ellerbe on Monday offered a reward of one hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of the murderers. The governor would have offered a reward sooner, it is said, but for the fact that up to last Friday no less than nine men had been arrested for the crime, and until then, he had received no official request for the reward. 
The two men who are now in jail were arrested before the sheriff made the request for a reward, so we suppose that should these negroes be the right ones, no reward would be paid at all. Up to this time, eleven men have been arrested for killing the two Italians, and it is hoped that the right men will yet be caught.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Sunday, April 4, 2010

No Church Services

There will be no services in either the Baptist, the Presbyterian or the Methodist churches next Sunday.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vegetable crop

Quite a lot of vegetables have recently been shipped from here to the Northern markets.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Friday, April 2, 2010

Decoration Day Briefs

The "Decoration Day" services will take place in the Court House at 4 o'clock p.m. next Monday. Let there be a large crowd present.

Don't neglect to send a good lot of flowers on Monday.

Let the old time Rebel Yell be heard once again on Monday.

The ladies particularly are invited to participate in decorating the graves of the Confederate dead. Be sure to attend next Monday.

There will be a dance at the Coleman House Monday night.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Abram Evans

Mr. Abram Evans, who lived near Lynche's river, died very suddenly a few days ago. His remains were interred in High Hill cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Mr. Evans was a quiet, inoffensive man, a good citizen, a consistent Christian. He served through the late war with all the unswerving fidelity of a true patriot. But he has fought his last battle and in triumph has crossed the cold, sullen stream of death to join those of his fellow comrades who yielded up their lives years ago in defense of their country. And as we record the departure of this gallant old soldier, our heart is made sad by the reflection that all too soon the last of the battle-scarred veterans–noble old heroes–will have gone the way of all the earth. On a new generation, whose hands are unused to the implements of war, will develop the duties which they so nobly performed. It is appropriate then that we who are of the aftermath consecrate ourselves to the unfinished work which they so nobly advanced, for each generation leaves to its successor an unfinished work.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Buggy Ride

One of the most enjoyable rides we ever took was the one while sitting in the foot of a buggy, the seat of which was occupied by two of the fairest and most charming of Kingstree's young daughters last Monday afternoon. True, our position was not a very elevated one, and we were much cramped from lack of space, but this did not make the ride any the less delightful. Our course was over the road which leads to Greeleyville across Black river, and we are anxious for another like it.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More Roses

We were the recipient of a most beautiful "Paul Neyron" rose from Mrs. Louis Jacobs last week. The rose was one of the largest we have ever seen, measuring five inches across and sixteen-and-one-half inches in circumference. It was cut from a bush which Mrs. Jacobs received direct from California and which has produced quite a number of fine flowers already this season.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Monday, March 29, 2010


Owing to an error in the print last week, it was stated that Mr. P.B. Thorne had over one thousand logs at his mill, whereas, it should have read over four thousand. Quite a difference.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Business Hours

We notice that in nearly all the towns of the State the merchants are now closing their stores at 6 o'clock p.m. so as to allow the clerks some time during the summer months for recreation. What is the matter with the merchants of Kingstree?
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Flower Gardens

There are several pretty flower gardens in town. That of the Misses Graham deserves special mention. They have quite a variety, and at this time when the flowers are all in full bloom, their garden presents a lovely scent.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Friday, March 26, 2010

Items of Local Interest

The mornings have been quite cool for some days.

The office of Mr. S. McBride Scott has been painted and otherwise improved.

The heavy rains last week were gladly welcomed by the farmers who had oats heading and young corn.

Rev. W.D. Moorer and Mr. Edwin Harper expect to leave today for Wilmington to attend the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Supervisor has a notice in this issue of The County Record relating to plowing into the roads, which should attract the attention of those who practice this misdemeanor.
The County Record, May 6, 1897

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cheap Rides to Wilmington

The Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets to Wilmington, N.C., on account of the Southern Baptist Convention at the rate of one first-class fare for the round trip, which from Kingstree will be $4.95. Tickets will be on sale from May 3rd to the 7th, inclusive, with final limit fifteen days from date of sale. 
Parties desiring to make a longer stay in Wilmington will deposit their tickets with the Atlantic Coast Line agent at Wilmington prior to May 15th and an extension of 15 days will be given. 
Already several parties have signified an intention of attending the convention and no doubt several more will take advantage of the cheap rates and attend.
The County Record, April 22, 1897

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Beautiful Wedding

The most notable event that has transpired in the social domain of this community in many a day was the marriage of Dr. H.L. Baker to Miss Belle Hemingway which took place at Union Church on the evening of the 14th inst., the Rev. Geo. W. Davis officiating.
Promptly at 8:30 o'clock, to the measured strains of the wedding march beautifully rendered by Mrs. Geo. Hemingway, the bridal party, preceded by Messrs. W.E. Cook of Scranton and W.J. Durant of Rome, ushers, filed in in regular order and took their respective positions. The bride and groom came down the aisle, immediately preceded by  two little flower girls and assumed their proper place. 
The ceremony was then read in the most solemn and impressive manner by the officiating clergyman, making the two man and wife. The church was brilliantly lighted and beautifully decorated for the occasion. 
A beautiful floral arch was constructed over the place the bride and groom stood and suspended from this was a heart pierced by Cupid's shaft. The initial letters "B.H. to H.R." of golden foil were attached to the top of the arch.
After the marriage, the bridal party and the invited guests repaired to the hospitable home of Capt. W.C. Hemingway, the bride's father, where a reception was tendered.
A sumptuous supper was served, and after refreshing the inner man, the guests were charmingly entertained by some fine selections of music beautifully rendered by some of the young ladies and the Messrs. Johnson. 
The bride was the recipient of many handsome and useful presents. 
We regret that lack of the desired data prevents us from giving a more adequate description of this occasion. 
Our best wishes are extended the happy couple.
The County Record, April 22, 1897

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where Are the Blood-hounds?

Editor, County Record:
Where are the blood-hounds? Representative Kennedy at the last session of the General Assembly had an act passed empowering the authorities to purchase a pair of blood-hounds trained to track fugitive law breakers. Where are they?
Houses being burnt, robbery running riot, murder being committed – with the aid of a pair of trained blood-hounds, all this would be stopped. What are the authorities who are empowered to obtain these dogs going to do about it?
The County Record, April 29, 1897

Monday, March 22, 2010


Benson is a thriving section in the central part of Williamsburg county. Its farmers are getting along nicely at present, though it is becoming rather dry. They are fairly well up with their work and have nothing to do but fish (fishing time, you know), but I presume that they will "come out at the little end of the horn" if they don't "stick to their bush."

The County Record has fallen into the hands of a new man, and he has made considerable improvements on it; it's worth twice, if not thrice, its previous value.
The County Record, April 29, 1897

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Attention, Veterans!

Editor, County Record,
Will you please announce in your next week's paper that the veterans of Camp Pressley are requested to meet in Kingstree on May 10th at 12 o'clock, to join in decorating the Confederate graves and to hear addresses by some of our comrades.
D.E. Gordon
Lanes, April 28th
The County Record, April 29, 1897

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Scranton News Budget

Croquet is in vogue now. The young folks find it a very pleasant way to while away the long weary afternoons.

Mr. Winslow Wright is having his new residence on Main Street painted, and when the work is finished, it will be one of the most handsome and attractive buildings in town.

We had the pleasure of attending the meeting of the literary club at the Union school house last Saturday evening. We enjoyed it very much. The querry was well debated, and the other features were thoroughly entertaining.
The County Record, April 29, 1897

Friday, March 19, 2010

Beautiful Roses

Upon returning from a short railroad trip the other morning, tired and dusty, we were very agreeably surprised and much delighted to find a beautiful bouquet of fine roses on our desk. The flowers were of the "Marechal Neil" and "Grace Darling" varieties, and attached to the bouquet was a card bearing the name of Mrs. Louis Stackley. It filled our heart with joy to know that we were so much thought of by a member of the fair sex to prompt her in sending in so excellent a donation which filled our office with its fragrance, and made us for a time forget the trials and tribulations attached to the life of a country editor.
Mrs. Stackley has quite a number of varieties of flowers, and there is not a more thorough florist in this section than she. The roses sent in are of the very finest varieties known, and our appreciation of them is unbounded.
The County Record, April 29, 1897

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lake City News

The farmers are rejoicing over the late rains. Crops are now looking fine.

Mr. J.J. Morris has moved into his new home, but it is not yet completed. When finished it will add much to the looks of that part of the town. We wish that several others of our citizens who are able to do so, would erect nice residences. It would add much to the appearance of the town and increase the value of the property near the buildings.

Business is quite dull now, but we hope for better times. Your correspondent went several miles into the country last Sunday and found that the farmers are well up with their work in spite of the late start they got. Of course, if the farmers have good luck and make good crops, business will be brisk in the fall.

Strawberries are fine this year. Mr. H.H. Singletary has shipped 266 crates; Dr. Hinnant shipped 75 crates; B.L. Singletary, 15; J.D. Singletary, 32; J.A. Green, 18, making a total of 406 crates, prices ranging from 15 to 40 cents.
The County Record, April 29, 1897

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Death on the Rail

M.C. Coker, a white man, was run over and killed by a freight at Cades yesterday evening about 7 o'clock. No authentic details of the killing could be obtained, though we held back our issue in order to secure the facts.
From what could be learned, it seems that Mr. Coker was on one side of the track and his team on the other. The train was an extra and was going into the side track to open the main line for a mail train when Mr. Coker attempted to cross the tracks just ahead of the engine to get to his horses. The train was moving at a rapid speed, and the engine struck the unfortunate man and passed over him, horribly mangling him and killing him instantly.
Several gentlemen were right near and were witnesses to the horrible tragedy. The coroner was telegraphed for and will hold an inquest this morning.
The County Record, April 29, 1897

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Murderers Still at Liberty

Nothing definite has yet developed in the case of the strange Italians who were so cruelly butchered near Salters last week. As to who the murderers are, and their present whereabouts, is now just as much a mystery as it was when the crime was first discovered. Suspicion still points to the Davis negroes, but nothing has yet been seen or heard of them. Even if they were caught, it would be a hard matter to fasten the murder upon them as no one knows anything about the men who were murdered, and, therefore could not identify any article that may be found in the possession of the supposed murderers as belonging the the Italians.
The three negroes who were arrested at Lake City last week were given a hearing before magistrate J.G. Lifrage last Thursday and set free. Jailer Britton, in the absence of the sheriff, telegraphed the Charleston authorities that if the negroes were wanted there to wire him, and they would be held; not having heard from there, the deputy let the boys go Thursday evening.
Three negroes were arrested Thursday at Fayetteville, N.C. on suspicion of being the murderers. They were on their way from Timmonsville, this State, to Selma, N.C., and were "nabbed" en route. Sheriff Daniel and Mr. Cannon of Strawberry, in whose store the Davis negroes did so much firing about about two weeks ago, went up to Fayetteville Saturday, but Mr. Cannon failed to identify the prisoners as the Davises. In fact, the negroes proved where they were on the night of the tenth, when the shooting at Strawberry occurred, and on the seventeenth, the night of the murder.
Three other negroes were arrested at Lanes and locked up all night in the box car but were set at liberty.
While looking over the field of the murder last Sunday, some Salters gentlemen discovered some clothing hanging on a tree and some on the ground only a short distance from where the murdered men's bodies were found. There was also a kind of a camp, at least, the ashes from a fire and chicken bones near the clothing, indicating that a camp had been made there. This discovery only adds mystery to the whereabouts of the real murderers, as this woodland was every bit searched last week, and these things were no seen. Among the articles found on the ground was a white shirt, bosom upwards which was not soiled in the least. This indicates that the articles were placed there Sunday morning, for had the shirt been exposed to the night air, the dew would have left marks on the stiff bosom. Then, too, there are numbers of hogs in the woods, and it stands to reason that, had this shirt been on the ground for any great while, the hogs would have soiled it. 
A careful survey of the immediate vicinity of the murder was made, and two empty shells from a Winchester rifle were found. One of these was mashed as if someone has stepped upon it or a hog had bit it. These shells are now in the possession of a Kingstree gentleman, but nothing is proved by them as they will fit any Winchester of a .32 calibre.
The County Record, April 29, 1897